How a US influencer sees the NUIX challenges and opportunities
7 June 2021 | Doug Austin | eDiscovery Today
How a US influencer sees the NUIX challenges and opportunities
7 June 2021 | Doug Austin | eDiscovery Today
An expert on Nuix maps out the industry dynamics
31 May 2021 | Scott Gillard | FTI Consulting
A UK perspective on the global backdrop to Nuix
12 April 2021 | Jonathan Maas | The Maas Consulting Group
Nuix – the perspective of a US cyber security veteran
1 March 2021 | Keith Lowry | AR&O
NXL: A global perspective on the eDiscovery sector
14 December 2020 | James Moeskops | Sky Discovery
NXL: An offshore perspective on the eDiscovery sector
30 November 2020 | Chris Dale | eDisclosure Information Project
An experienced market operative on the global legaltech sector
23 November 2020 | Jodie Baker | Xakia Technologies
Nuix: A software expert gives his insights
16 November 2020 | Rick Hill | Hillogic